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Foundation Support Page Updated 14-Oct-98 Maintained by Paul Burkey (burkey@bigfoot.com) ![]() |
This is a special 'off-line' version of the Foundation Support site created for Amiga Format magazine. The web site is kept uptodate on a daily basis. I will always try to provide the latest version of the game for each edition of Amiga Format so be sure to keep up with the latest Foundation updates! I give thanks to the thousands of people who have bought the game already and I hope to provide a new Demo next month to show everyone else what they're missing!
Foundation Update 19c - 367k LZX (14th October 98) (full update package)
Foundation Hints Guide V2.0 - 16k (10th Sep 98) (Amiga Guide)
Official Custom Sound Set - 163k (23rd May 98) (optional)
These are the latest language files for the game. To install a language file you simply have to
copy the 'catalog' file into Foundation's `data' directory and alter the language option in the
preferences. From Foundation Update 17 there will be extra phrases added to the catalog file.
The old catalog files will work as before. The latest version of FoundationCat has a built in feature
to add the new phrases to your Translation file which should make it very easy to continue with locale
support for those who have already started.
Note: All Catalog files will work with all versions of Foundation.
If you would like to create your own catalog file I have created an archive containing the necessary files. The archive contains a Translation `template' and a simple CLI based convertion program that will turn the Translation text file into a Foundation Catalog file.
FoundationCat V1.31 - 28k (7th September 98) If you create a catalog file and you think it may be usefull to others, please send it to me at burkey@bigfoot.com and I'll add it to this Support Page. Translations created by ATO will always take preference over other 3rd party translations but I will supply alternative versions where necessary. |
Q. The game won't start! Why can't I get it to run? A. You must setup some basic preferences. You do this by running FoundationPrefs and then you press the USE button to setup some prefs in RAM. If you've copied FoundationPrefs to the Hard Drive, you could use the SAVE button to setup some perminent prefs for future use. If the game doesn't find the prefs files in RAM or in the current directory it will not run. Q. Why does the game seem to crash as early as the menu screens? A. You are probably using the AGA version and the crashes are due to a lack of chip memory. If you use the default menu screen size (640x256) or bigger, the game will use quite a lot of chip memory. This problem is made worse my the large 500k music module and also by large Workbench screens. Some checks for low Chip-mem have been added to the game but it dosn't seem to be foolproof. Q. How can I play the CD Audio tracks? The game keeps loading files, stopping the CD playback. A. You must install te minimum files required for CDDA playback. In the current version of the FoundationPrefs you must select the first three Instillation buttons. These are Samples, Mugshots and Game GFX. This amounts to 33Meg of files. In a future update I will provide extra filter options to allow you to install `AGA only' or `RTG only' files. Q. Why is there no music durring the menu/intro screens? A. The Menu and Intro music will not play if contiguous chip memory is less than 750k. Q. Why do I have problems running the game in Hires modes with the AGA version? A. The AGA version was developed with `low end' support in mind. This means I made every effort to allow users to play the game on a 640x256 size screen but anything bigger than that was going beyond the limits of AGA (playability). The preferences program should really have been designed to stop users from selecting screens bigger than 640x256 but the limit was never implimented. Q. Where is the game documentation? A. There is documentation on the CD but when it was created we discovered the Icon for the html drawer was missing. The documentation can be found on the CD in the html drawer. If you insert your Foundation CD now, you can access the instructions here... English Documentation ... Deutsch Documentation. See also New Manual Q. The original manual states that new trees can be created `at any time'. Is this true? A. I'm afraid this is not true. In order to create new trees and rocks you must develop the required commands in the Laboratory. The `Summon Rocks' spell will be developed durring Tech Level 6 and the `Summon Trees' spell will come durring Tech Level 7. See also New Manual |
The Foundation Mailinglist is an ideal place to meet other Foundation players and discuss
all aspects of the game. The Foundation Mailinglist is not part of the official Foundation
Support and I have no control over it but the moderator, Andrew Kellett has my full blessing
to continue with his unique Foundation service.
To subscribe, you only have to send an email to mushypd-foundation@redrose.net with your subject line containing the word SUBSCRIBE. If you would prefer to access the mailing list in the form of a `Daily Digest' then you can subscribe with SUBSCRIBE DIGEST in the Subject. If you want to subscribe from your Browser then be sure that it is properly setup with your real Email address. The Mailinglist accepts other commands including UNSUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE DIGEST, FAQ, INFO and HELP. The Foundation Mailing list is run and moderated by Andrew Kellett mushypd@redrose.net. You should use the automated SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE system to join/leave the Mailinglist but if you prefer to speak to a Human then I'm sure Andrew would be happy to deal with your requests but it may take an extra day to deal with you this way. For more details about the Mailinglist contact Andrew Kellett at:- mushypd@redrose.net |
Thank you,
Paul Burkey - burkey@bigfoot.com